For iPad owners with creative flair, this has been a good couple of weeks. Pixelmator and Canva, two brilliant but very different desktop design environments, both made their iOS debuts. The early feedback has been promising, but I’m not satisfied…
Tag: Photoshop
Since the dawn of colored pixels, Adobe has had a firm grasp on everything digitally creative, and has slapped a whopping great price tag on it. Finally, that monopoly is starting to crack, thanks to reasonably priced offerings like Pixelmator…
Read MoreGoodbye Illustrator, It’s Time To Vector with Affinity Designer
Blaming the equipment when photos come out overexposed and blurry always was an iffy excuse — safer to go with the “artistic effect” in my (considerable) experience. But as excuses go, it just got a whole lot iffier. A new…
Read Morepiccure+ Saves Your Photography From Bad Kit and Shaky Hands
Thanks to the vaguely acceptable internet speeds most of us now enjoy, we increasingly rely on cloud services to store, back up and sync our data. But before long, it won’t just be our files that we will access remotely…
Read Brings Serious Photo Editing into the Cloud