Thanksgiveaway month is roaring, all thanks to you, our loyal Stackers. Today, we’ve got some slightly different giveaway news — announcing a winner from a previous giveaway. Unfortunately, it’s not you (unless you are the winner we contacted, in which case, congrats again!).
The team at StackSocial is pleased to announce the winner of our Rebel Photographer Giveaway — meet Charles from Maryland, the man who will be the source of all your shutterbug envy for the foreseeable future.
When we first contacted Charles to tell him he’d won, he didn’t believe us, but we assured him that weren’t playing a joke on him. Charles was very excited, telling us “Wow! That’s fantastic…StackSocial is fantastic! I am celebrating! Thank you so much!”
Thank you, Chuck — we’re so happy to hear how excited you are, and we’re glad to have you in our community.
If you didn’t win, don’t fret — there are more great giveaways up on StackSocial for Thanksgiveaway month.
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