Stack App Favorites | Cloud App

In today’s work environment we are constantly critiquing every improvable aspect of our businesses. Sometimes it can be a struggle to share our thoughts and opinions without visuals. Luckily there is hope…

Meet Cloud App. This convenient tool gives you the ability to easily take and send screenshots as links to relay exactly what you are observing from your computer to anyone, anywhere. This is beneficial for just about anyone, but especially for those of us in the tech startup world.

This process used to be an absolute pain. Now it’s as simple as taking a screenshot and pasting a link! Cloud’s benefits don’t end there though.

Cloud App is an integrated Mac App and Web App which allows you to connect to Cloud App’s virtual safety deposit box/cloud server. Confidently store your screenshots for later reference in a tidy folder automatically. 

For example, you could easily designate ALL your screenshots to be automatically uploaded to the cloud. Not only does this keep your desktop nice and clean, but essentially backs up any screenshot you take. It’s like a little screenshot organizing assistant!

This nifty little time saver is easily one of our favorite tools at Stack HQ and we use it daily in the office. Visual examples and communication tools like these improve communication and efficiency more than you could imagine.

Let’s just say we are proud to Cloud 🙂

Check it out:

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